Interject Documentation > ReportMacro()

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Function Summary

ReportMacro allows a report developer to call VBA macros on Save, Pull, Clear, or Run events. The VBA macro must be a named Sub in the workbook. This function will ignore all errors during the macro’s execution.

Function Arguments

Parameter Name Description Default Optional
OnPullSaveOrBoth Events will be triggered on "Pull", "Save," or both. This parameter accepts a string. NO
OnClearRun OrBoth Events will be triggered on "Clear", "Run," or both. This parameter accepts a string. NO
MacroNameToRun The macro Sub name that will be executed. The placement of this function determines when it is run in comparison to other Report formulas. NO


Function Composition

Formula Example Explanation
=ReportMacro( OnPullSaveOrBoth ,OnClearRun OrBoth ,MacroNameToRun ) =ReportMacro( **"Pull"** , **"Both"** , ** "MyVBAMacro" ** ) ← The VBA macro will run on the Pull data event. ← The VBA macro will run on both Clear and Run events. ← The VBA macro to run from workbook storage. All errors will be ignored.

Example from

From File Worksheet