Interject Documentation > ReportDefaults()

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Function Summary

Allows the report creator to set specific values for cells based on the Pull and Save events.

Function Arguments

Parameter Name Description Default Optional
OnPullSaveOrBoth Select which events to trigger on: * Pull * Save * Both (Pull and Save) YES
OnClearRunOrBoth Select which actions to trigger on: * Run * Clear * Both (Run and Clear) YES
TransferPairs Use the [ PairGroup() ](/wIndex/81756186.html) function to note which values are placed in the cells. YES

Function Composition


Function Example

From File Worksheet
InterjectBasic ReportDefaults

=ReportDefaults(“Pull”,”Clear”,PairGroup(Pair(“Test Input 1”,E8),Pair(“Test Input 2”,E9),Pair(“Not a valid date input 3”,E10)))