Interject Documentation > ReportCalc()

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Function Summary

ReportCalc executes a calculation on a worksheet or workbook. It will calculate any excel function, which includes INTERJECT functions, as long as they are within its target scope. ReportCalc can be triggered on specific events such as a Pull, Save, Clear, and Run.

Function Arguments

Parameter Name Description Default Optional
OnPullSaveOrBoth A switch that toggles which INTERJECT event ReportCalc will be executed on. There are three options: * "Pull" * "Save" * "Both" NO
OnClearRunOrBoth Another switch that toggles which INTERJECT event ReportCalc will be executed on. There are also three options: * "Clear" * "Run" * "Both" NO
SheetOrWorkbook SheetOrWorkbook determines the scope of information ReportCalc will calculate, and it only has two options: * "Sheet" * "Workbook" NO
SheetName This is only applicable if the chosen scope of the ReportCalc is "Sheet," as it specifies which sheet to run the calculations on. YES
Disabled This is a switch that disables the ReportCalc if the toggle is changed to "TRUE" FALSE YES

Function Composition






