Interject Documentation > jColumnDef()

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Function Summary

This function assists financial reports using the FinCube DataPortal to specify segment filters for each amount column. See the the FinCube page for an explanation of this function and how each argument can use filters. The following arguments represent the same segments used within the FinCube DataPortal.

Function Arguments

Parameter Name Segment Reference Description Default Optional
Source Segment 12 Input is typically "actual," "budget," or forecast codes like "fcast1" through "fcast12." In some configurations, codes can be combined to include unposted and staged monthly numbers (actuals will only include posted entries). To see unposted in addition to posted entries, combine the two: "Actual,Unposted". If staged entries are configured in the INTERJECT installation, use "Actual,Unposted,Staged". YES
Period Segment 9 Month 1 through 12. For year to date amounts, use YTD1 through YTD12. YES
Year Segment 10 Year. YES
Version Segment 11 If configured, this can filter data to specific versions. YES
Segment 1 Same Configurable segment. Account may be a common example. YES
Segment 2 Same Configurable segment. District may be a common example. YES
Segment 3 Same Configurable segment. Line of Business may be a common example. YES
Segment 4 Same Configurable segment. YES
Segment 5 Same Configurable segment. YES
Segment 6 Same Configurable segment. YES
Segment 7 Same Configurable segment. Currency may be a common example. YES
Segment 8 Same Configurable segment. Company may be a common example. YES

Function Composition

Formula Example Explanation
=jColumnDef( Source ,Period ,Year ,Version ,Segment1 ,Segment2 ,Segment3 ,Segment3 ,Segment5, ,Segment6 ,Segment7 ,Segment8 ) =jColumnDef( "Budget" ,3 ,2017 , ,Revenue ,West Locations , , , , , , )