Interject Documentation > Creating with INTERJECT

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Creating in INTERJECT

This section is for developers who need to create or modify reports. You will run through basic modification, creation, and publishing of reports. Feel free to contact us if you cannot find your answer in these sections.

Modifying an Existing Report

Reporting needs change often. Account details, specific formatting, even spreadsheet formulas require modification, that is why INTERJECT’s reports are so highly customizable using familiar spreadsheet knowledge. This section walks through common report modifications using Customer Aging , Inventory , and Financial reports as an example.

Creating a Simple Report

This section details how to create reports from scratch. Here, you will walk through making a Customer Aging and Customer Orders report from the ground up. The focus is on using simple single range tabular reports.

Fixed and Variable Reports

Reports often require various formats and subtotal sections, and this is especially true for financial reports. This section goes through several, more advanced report examples: Inventory , Financial and Customer Aging Detail . These will illustrate how INTERJECT provides a number of options for your reporting needs.

Drilling Between Reports

Creating drills, it is possible to generate a simple suite of reports that enable you and your end-users to navigate anywhere from within the spreadsheet environment. Examples in this section include building drills in a Customer Aging , Inventory , and Financial report . There is more than one way for the user to interact with the drill feature. See the page Three Ways to Drill for more details.

Lab 5 Hiding Rows & Columns

ReportHideRowsOrColumns() is a function that allows you to hide both rows and columns when not needed. In this example, you will begin with hiding columns L, M, N, and O. To practice there is a file below that has been specifically prepared for this formula.

Lab 6 Working with Pivot Tables

Pivot tables are excellent tools to help us find answers quickly. INTERJECT can help simplify pivot table presentation and distribution.

Lab 7 Special Column Definitions

Special Column Definitions are optional tags that bring out additional features to your standard column definition rows . They are great for space savers or to allow for faster formatting of the Pulled data.

Lab 8 Protecting Sheets

Sheet Protection expands upon the already existing protection functions in excel but brings with it the INTERJECT UI and security rights.

To use it, navigate to the INTERJECT ribbon and click on the **Sheet Protector ** button in the **Tools ** section.

Lab 9 Using the Retained Feature

Coming soon

Lab 10 Updating the Report Library

The Report Library is how you share reports with other users while tracking versions for internal audit controls. Report Library is a simple and easy-access center for sharing interactive spreadsheet reports and applications to your entire organization.

Exporting Reports

INTERJECT reports can be published or exported when needed. In most situations, INTERJECT reports are shared like a web page, where all end users have access but can only see cost centers they have rights to. Still, there are times when reports must be saved to file folders or emailed, and this section walks through the specifics of distribution and all the available methods.