Interject Documentation > INTERJECT Hotkey Index

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes


INTERJECT provides ways to increase productivity and work flow by utilizing hotkeys to quickly perform INTERJECT actions. These hotkeys are adaptable and customize-able and are a staple to being efficient when using INTERJECT functions. Any hotkey listed here can be changed and set to different keystrokes. However, there is a limitation on available keystrokes to change the hotkeys to.

Go directly to any section of this page by following one of the links below.

  • Default Hotkey Index

  • Hotkey Commands and Keystrokes List

  • Overriding Hotkeys for Individual Installs

  • Overriding Hotkeys for Shared Enterprise Environments


Default Hotkey Index

Ctrl-L Login to INTERJECT
Report Library
Ctrl+Shift-L Open the **Report Library**
Ctrl-Shift-J Open the **pull data** form
Ctrl-Shift-J, S Open the **pull data** form and pull data based on current form only
Ctrl-Shift-J, T Open the **pull data** form and pull the entire sheet
Ctrl-Shift-J, W Open the **pull data** form and pull the entire workbook
Ctrl-Shift-J, C Open the **pull data** form and clear the data
Ctrl-Shift-U Open the **save data** form
Ctrl-Shift-U, S Open the **save data** form and save data based on current form only
Ctrl-Shift-U, T Open the **save data** form and save the entire sheet
Ctrl-Shift-U, W Open the **save data** form and save the entire workbook
Ctrl-Shift-U, C Open the **save data** form and clear the save data notes
Ctrl-Shift-K Drill on selected data row
Ctrl-Shift-B Navigate back from a drill
Report Builder
Ctrl-Shift-H Open the **Interject Report** Builder Form
Quick Tools
Ctrl-Shift-T Open the **Interject Quick Tools**
Ctrl-Shift-D Open the **Interject Diagnostic tool**
Ctrl-Shift-E Open the **Quick Export Tool** for the distribution center


Hotkey Commands and Keystrokes List

**Commands Available** **Keystrokes Available**
DoLogin Ctrl+L
PullData Ctrl+Shift+J
SaveData Ctrl+Shift+U
DrillOnData Ctrl+Shift+K
ReportLibrary Ctrl+Shift+L
ReportHelper Ctrl+Shift+H
QuickTools Ctrl+Shift+T
NavigateBack Ctrl+Shift+B
Diagnostics Ctrl+Shift+D
Distribution Ctrl+Shift+E

Note: The keystrokes and commands here are in a list format, they are not necessarily linked to each other by default unless they are aligned side by side. This is to be used to choose which command you want and choose which keystroke you want. The keystrokes in the keystrokes available section includes those that are already tied to default commands. Some of the keystrokes are not assigned to anything, and some of the commands are not assigned to anything.


Overriding Hotkeys for Individual Installs

Step 1: Open a new Excel Workbook, login to INTERJECT and select the Advanced Menu menu to expand the Interject Ribbon to show the Advanced Menu. Then navigate to the INTERJECT Diagnostic Tool .

** **

Step 2: Select the Open User Folders option. Select Execute Selected Action .

Step 3: Two file folders will be opened, look in the folder named “Settings”.

Step 4: Select the file IdsSettings.xml right click the file then open it with a text editor of your choice.

Step 5: Paste this code into the ** ** ** </ ** **Global > ** xml container.

** Expand source


Step 6: Choose a Command from the available list of commands and an available Keystroke from the list of available keystrokes and paste the code below into the ** ** ** </ ** **Global > ** xml container.

** Expand source


Step 7: In your text editor replace Keystroke with your chosen keystroke from the list and replace Command with your chosen command.

Step 8: Save the text editor and close it, then restart Excel and your new hotkey setting will be functional.

Overriding Hotkeys In a Shared Enterprise Environment

Step 1: Go to the folder located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Interject

Step 2: Open App.Config with a text editor.

Step 3: If it is not already there, paste this code into the ** ** xml container.

** Expand source

<add key="shortkeychanges" value="True" />

Step 4: Now paste in this code into the ** ** xml container.

** Expand source

<add key="Command" value="Keystroke" />

Step 5: Then, with your chosen Keystroke and Command replace it in the code within the editor

Step 6: Now save your text editor and open excel and the hotkey will now work.

Note: To edit hotkeys on an enterprise level, administrative rights for the environment are required.